"I thought it was a great idea as a mother and grandmother to get tested."

Jane got tested, as a mother and grandmother, to know how she and future generations could be affected by the condition. Jayne, alongside her daughter, Leah, who also took part in the project, is a carrier.

Watch Jayne's story

My mother had on her death certificate, ischemic heart disease...they didn't test for haemochromatosis...

I wanted to know how GH would impact myself and my family, and future generations.

My sister and I are both in the same practice; one doctor said he would monitor her every 6 months because they’re not sure whether carriers are at no risk. The doctor said to me, ‘you’re just a carrier, it’ll be no problem for you or your children.’

My mother had on her death certificate, ischemic heart disease. It could have all been because they didn’t know; they didn’t test for haemochromatosis.

I now feel pretty clued in about it and the way it can impact your life.

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