"You think the doctors will pick it up, but they don’t."

Neil was diagnosed with genetic haemochromatosis after going to his doctor with symptoms of diabetes. Neil works at Haemochromatosis UK and reflects on the insight that reading and writing about the condition every day has given him. He discusses the complications of managing diabetes treatment with haemochromatosis, and the lack of clinician awareness in this process.

The challenge for me is diabetes

There are complications with medicine for diabetes if your iron is high but none of the diabetes team know anything about haemochromatosis.

We have online records now so you can goand see your full blood test. I’ve talked to people who look back at their records and can see that their levels are high, or it says refer, and they've never been referred. 

The doctors keep a general eye on ferritin, but they're not very good on any of the other numbers. I have to ask every time what my TSAT level is.

Because I’m employed with the charity, I’m always reading and writing about it, and have an insight on the condition. 

The challenge for me is diabetes, which is probably caused by haemochromatosis. There are complications with medicine for diabetes if your iron is high, but none of the diabetes team know anything about haemochromatosis.  

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