Rita received multiple misdiagnoses, such as Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, before she was finally diagnosed as a carrier of genetic haemochromatosis. Ten years after pursuing a diagnosis, Rita discusses the mixed emotions of relief, and sadness, after fighting so hard to be heard.
How do I feel now? Utter relief. Hopefulness. Gratitude. Emotional.
The doctor said, ‘I don’t know if I can send you for that test, I would get a slap on the wrist; it’ll cost us a lot of money.’
So they told me I had lupus. They said I had rheumatoid arthritis. The consultant scanned my shoulders and looked puzzled; she said, ‘you have no sign of rheumatoid arthritis, have you heard of fibromyalgia?’
I sent away for a genetic test kit with Haemochromatosis UK and within about six days I got the results back.
I went, yes! I knew it! And the next minute I was in a flood of tears because I had to fight so hard to get it.
I wrote a letter to the GP and said the test has confirmed I have the condition; I’m still waiting for a doctor to get back in touch with me. The doctors will no longer accept letters.
I started thinking, I’m ten years along the line of not having had this test so whatever has been affecting me is ten years worse than it should’ve been.
How do I feel now? Utter relief. Hopefulness. Emotional.